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SWEET Soleil Stockup On BIC At Target! #LizzieSavesAlot #Target

SWEET Soleil! Did you see the price on these bad boys at Target this week!? Right now, through the 13th, shoppers can stock up on BIC Razors for as little as $.74 PER PACK! WOAH! Sweet Soleil!!

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**HOT Coupon Tip**

WHY Buy In Multiples?  

One of the things that many people struggle with is the WHY? Why do couponers buy SO MANY of the same item?  In this case, we would purchase FOUR at a time, because that is how we get the best value, or the most BANG for our bucks!  In other cases, we purchase multiples to ensure that we can make it through until the next great sale!  NO ONE should have to pay full price if they don’t want to! Stock up NOW to save later!  That’s the couponing way!

Nice N’ Easy Deal here


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