$3/15 Family Dollar Scenario Pay $3.85
$3/15 Family Dollar Scenario Pay $3.85
$3/15 Family Dollar Coupon is an Exclusive Coupon, which means not everyone will get it. If you did here is a scenario you can do. Family Dollar Policy is $3/15 Coupon comes off after all other coupons. However, if you use all digital coupons it will come off first. Clip all your coupons and type your number in on the keypad. Prices listed are the prices at my store and your price may vary. $3/15 Family Dollar Scenario Pay $3.85. The $2.00 Gain Fabric softener digital coupon is attaching to the Gain Dryer Sheets. You can scan all your items while shopping to make sure everything attaches.
(2) Purex Liquid Laundry Detergent (65-75 oz) $4.45 each
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Total: $15.85
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Pay: $3.85
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