This Target Diaper Deal Has HONESTLY Got Me PUMPED! #LizzieSavesAlot #CouponCommunity #Target
I am SO Excited about this hot Target diaper deal starting this week! If you are a parent, then you know how exciting it can be to save some cash on the diaper brands you know and love! Honest diapers are awesome, but they can also be cashy! Stock up starting Sunday, January 17th on these baby essentials at Target!
Want to Save With Coupons?
- Buy (2) Boxes of Honest Club Diapers at $49.99 each for a beginning total of $99.98
- EARN (1) $15 gift card during this HOT in store promotion running all week long! Buy (2) Boxes of Honest Diapers and score a FREE Target Gift Card! This is like paying only $84.98 if you ROLL your gift cards!
- Submit to Ibotta for the following offer:
-Earn $4 back on EACH box of Honest Diapers for a total of $8 back. This drops your total out of pocket cost on down to $76.98, or $38.49 PER Box. Now THAT Is some major savings! - If you are new to Ibotta, sign up here today to start saving, and earn a $1o BONUS When you run this deal! SCORE! Save BIG With Ibotta
**HOT Coupon Tip**
WHY Buy In Multiples?
One of the things that many people struggle with is the WHY? Why do couponers buy SO MANY of the same item? In this case, we can run this scenario one time, due to the Ibotta limits. Diapers are an item that never goes bad, and in most households, they DEFINITELY get used more quickly than we would like to admit! In other cases, we purchase multiples to ensure that we can make it through until the next great sale! NO ONE should have to pay full price if they don’t want to! Stock up NOW to save later! That’s the couponing way!
LOVE this deal and want to see more?
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Carefree Pantyliners $.71 At Walgreens!
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